Michael Moog


Michael Moog, one of his many alias’ Studio Musician, Producer, Songwriter, Composer, Remixer, Synth Programer and Sound Designer.

Reluctant Artist, strange Producer, random Remixer, Sound Designer/Programmer and sometimes Musician Michael Moog equally loves and hates making music... not as some kind of tactic or plan to dominate anything, but simply because it's what he does.

...and every once in a while things happen, people get excited, Dj's sometimes will play the songs, club goers move their bodies, radio stations add them to their playlist, [f there's enough money in the the bag, [no really, like A LOT OF MONEY] but that's another story. maybe some reporters might want to write about him and sometimes... he even makes a couple of bucks.

What Does Liberation Mean To You?

to free one's self to any unwanted noise/distractions

Event: Liber8 LA


Instagram: michaelmoog
Affiliations: Dopewax, Terminator, Freeze, Brobot Tiny Tsunami

LIVEMarshall StukesLA