Deejay Aesthetics - IG Take Over

Born and raised in Pittburgh’s Hill District, Tresa Murphy Green aka Deejay Aesthetics, intentional practice roots itself in the liberation and worship of black queer folx. Deejay Aesthetics operates under the philosophy that dancefloors are sanctuaries and should be regarded as such.⁠

Deejay Aesthetics’s sound is cunt, in your face, and sublimely vulgar. Aesthetics sets range from ballroom, jersey club, ghetto house, juke, and hood classics, Anything in the category of bounce that ass is up for grabs! ⁠
Aesthetics lives to create spaces where black folx can feel free, free to pop that, shout, and sweat it out on the dancefloor- that's what makes this work holy.⁠

Curated Sep 20, 2021 - Sep 26, 2021

Marshall Stukes